Star Trek (2009)
Seeds: 125
Peers: 72
Torrent Details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2009
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Director: J.J. Abrams
Starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy
Captivating James T. Kirk is trying to live up to his father's legacy of Mr. Spock to keep it in check, as vengeful, time-traveling Romulan creates a black hole that will destroy the Federation, one planet at a time.
I was all for watching this reboot of the classic Star Trek, in which they play and many new spectacular effects. His film thats hyped endlessly since it was released, so I thought it had to be true that good.Err? Everyone else was watching another movie? This Star Trek movie is average, nothing more. Its a little funny when you watch it, but soon after forgettable. The story is a bad guy wants to destroy-the-world-nonsense type of normal, and in some bits of time travel here and there in an attempt to seem more original than it actually is. I've seen play out exactly the same things over and over again, and Star Trek will not bring anything new to table.Okay, special effects are great. The film has won only at this point. But the special effects do not make a good movie on its own. What action scenes? Not really arent any indication other than a memorable one Interlude sky diving. Decent characters? I'm afraid not. Couldnt Eric Bana, hidden beneath the tattoos and cosmetics that are less well-defined villain. Runs strong, right? Not really. Zachary Quinto as Spock in the new exception, but cocky Chris Pine just left me cold and Karl Urban hardly get a look in. it is not surprising that it takes a veteran like Nimoy to them how her story done.Origin show always feel winded and too valuable to me. Things about how characters are insufficient to turn your life around and do something good, so clich? D. The real challenge to just get on with the story and show us the characters through their actions, their personalities, rather than pushing it down our throats for the entire first hour.Turns that Mission: Impossible III is still Abramss for best film as director by a long shot and it's almost as much fun as Star Trek: First Contact.